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Ignoring Files in Git. More than just .gitignore

Have you ever needed to exclude a file on your local machine from being committed to your Git repository? There are many reasons you need to do this, including:

  1. Configuration files that contain keys or passwords that shouldn’t be uploaded
  2. External dependencies (like vendor/ and node_modules/) that should be created by build processes.
  3. Temporary storage folders
  4. Log files
  5. Folders with the results of a build process, (you only want your source in the repo).
  6. .DS_Store files (thanks Apple)

There are a few ways to ignore files in Git.

Repo .gitignore file

The first method creating a file in your repo called .gitignore. This file should contain a list of files and folders to ignore when running git status or git commit. Example:


The .gitignore file is committed to your repository and shared with everyone else on the team. This is the recommended approach for project-side rules.

The accepted wildcards for the list of files/folders can be found here:

Global .gitignore File

The global .gitignore file affects all repositories running on your local machine. This is a perfect place to add ignore rules related to your IDE, like /.idea for PHPStorm or /.vscode for VSCode.

Create a .gitignore in your home folder on your local machine (or anywhere that makes sense for you). Then set that file as the global ignore file using this command:

git config --global core.excludesFile ~/.gitignore

Personal/Local Git Ignore Rules

There are times you’ll want to exclude files from having changes committed from your local folder to a Git repo, but only for you, not the entire team. For example, my project was using MySQL, but I had to use the MariaDB docker container on my local for Apple M1 support. In order to not accidentally modify the Dockerfile that was committed, I used a local Git rule to ignore the file only for me.

To do this create a file called .git/info/exclude and add the files you want excluded to it in the same format as a .gitignore file.

What if I already committed the file?

If you committed a file you now want to ignore, first, use one of the methods above to ignore the file, and then run:

git rm --cached .DS_Store

This will remove the file (in the example above, .DS_Store) from the repository, but leave it in your local folder.


  1. Hiroki Matsuuchi Hiroki Matsuuchi

    Short, to the point and very useful. Thank you!
    This was my first time hearing about global .gitignore. I work fairly consistently with only a few frameworks/libraries, so setting this up to hide environment variables seems like a great way to prevent myself from making stupid mistakes in the future.
    Thanks for the tip!

    • Shawn Hooper Shawn Hooper

      Agreed! It was being able to globally exclude all the files for my IDE that made that feature worth it.

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